Laboratoire de recherche et création
Principauté de Monaco

- Le 07 septembre 2012

september 7 to 15 / 2012

WEYA 2012 avec littleconstallation - Projet Ti’tano

Little Constellation Network, Library and Archive 

Contemporary Arts in geo-cultural micro-areas and small State of Europe

avec la participation pour le Logoscope de l’artiste Arnaud Rolland

World Event Young Artists

Nottingham Trent University

Waverley Buildingr, room number 206

Nottingham (UK)


The negotiation of knowledge as cultural and aesthetic practice.
a project by Alessandro Castiglioni with the young artists : Bergur Thomas Anderson, Daniel Arellano Mesina, Dustin Cauchi, Viola Conti, Baldvin Einarsson, Fedora Saura, Vera Kox, Teodora Nikcevic, Karin Ospelt, Sigurdur Atli Sigurdsson, Simone Rastelli, Arnaud Rolland, Paolo Tognozzi.

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